
Welcome to the Funmum Diary
Since 2000, Funmum has been producing chic, fashionable & gorgeous collections of maternity clothes. Our design philosophy is all about creating clothes that are wearable & comfortable & show the pregnant form beautifully.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Preg Head Myth Debunked

Does your Brain Really Turn To Mush During and Post Pregnancy?

After years of extensive and thorough scientific study, researchers finally have confirmed what many of us have known for years, that "preg head", otherwise known as "placenta brain" DOES NOT in fact exist and that pregnancy does not turn women into ditzy absent-minded airheads.

Mmmmm, so it's official then, pregnant women aren't stupid after all. Of course, that's not to say that there's no explanation for why some women feel more distracted and less able to concentrate when they're pregnant; just because there's no physiological cause for it.

Pregnancy can be both hugely stressful and incredibly exciting and having what sometimes feels like an alien lodged in your abdomen is a pretty mindblowing experience in itself; it's no wonder that some pregnant women find themselves unable to focus on other, less important things during this time. Not to mention the post pregnancy daily grind including lack of sleep which can often result in 'mushy brain syndrome'.

To hear from a Funmum Fan herself, we will be posting a an Interview with Angela Brotherton (mother of 3) from Glasgow who shares her own experiences of ‘Preg Head’.

We'd love to hear from YOU so why not share some of your own experiences and tell us what you really think.....


  1. I may have to disagree with this one! I suffered with 'baby brain' during my first pregnancy and it has started again now im 13 weeks in to my second! Symptoms include putting things away in the fridge instead of the cupboard, forgetting your age and forgetting what day it is and therefore the location of your child (nursery or grandma's house?!) My other half will confirm that this phenomenon does exist!

  2. I completely understand what you are saying. Having spoken to many Mum's out there, the research does seem a little shaky. Thanks so much for your comments. Congratulations also with your second pregnancy. Have you checked out the collection at
    What do you think of our styles?
